Meeting local needs for training, technical assistance, and research in transportation

KDOT Right of Way Certification Program [ONLINE]

Course Overview: 

In Kansas, the Local Public Agencies (LPA) self-certify compliance with the “Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally-Assisted Programs”, also known as the “Uniform Act”. This is accomplished by submitting a completed 1306 form for each project. Each year several Right of Way (ROW) reviews are conducted throughout the State. These reviews have frequently identified issues with “Uniform Act” compliance. In most cases, these issues have been minor in nature. However, our goal is to achieve zero issues with ROW acquisition and total compliance with the “Uniform Act”. To facilitate this goal, KDOT in association with FHWA and the Kansas Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) has developed the KDOT “ROW Certification Program” (ROWCP) that all LPAs must complete prior to ROW self-certification.

This program, a partnership with KDOT, FHWA, and Kansas LTAP consists of watching 6 short videos and taking a written test consisting of 24 questions based on the videos. At least one person from each Local Public Agency (LPA) will be required to be certified. Also, any ROW-acquisition contractors the LPA may hire to perform any part of the ROW acquisition must be certified. Certification under this program must be renewed every 3-years.

Course Overview: 

In Kansas, the Local Public Agencies (LPA) self-certify compliance with the “Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally-Assisted Programs”, also known as the “Uniform Act”. This is accomplished by submitting a completed 1306 form for each project. Each year several Right of Way (ROW) reviews are conducted throughout the State. These reviews have frequently identified issues with “Uniform Act” compliance. In most cases, these issues have been minor in nature. However, our goal is to achieve zero issues with ROW acquisition and total compliance with the “Uniform Act”. To facilitate this goal, KDOT in association with FHWA and the Kansas Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) has developed the KDOT “ROW Certification Program” (ROWCP) that all LPAs must complete prior to ROW self-certification.

This program, a partnership with KDOT, FHWA, and Kansas LTAP consists of watching 6 short videos and taking a written test consisting of 24 questions based on the videos. At least one person from each Local Public Agency (LPA) will be required to be certified. Also, any ROW-acquisition contractors the LPA may hire to perform any part of the ROW acquisition must be certified. Certification under this program must be renewed every 3-years.

Course Overview: 

In Kansas, the Local Public Agencies (LPA) self-certify compliance with the “Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally-Assisted Programs”, also known as the “Uniform Act”. This is accomplished by submitting a completed 1306 form for each project. Each year several Right of Way (ROW) reviews are conducted throughout the State. These reviews have frequently identified issues with “Uniform Act” compliance. In most cases, these issues have been minor in nature. However, our goal is to achieve zero issues with ROW acquisition and total compliance with the “Uniform Act”. To facilitate this goal, KDOT in association with FHWA and the Kansas Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) has developed the KDOT “ROW Certification Program” (ROWCP) that all LPAs must complete prior to ROW self-certification.

This program, a partnership with KDOT, FHWA, and Kansas LTAP consists of watching 6 short videos and taking a written test consisting of 24 questions based on the videos. At least one person from each Local Public Agency (LPA) will be required to be certified. Also, any ROW-acquisition contractors the LPA may hire to perform any part of the ROW acquisition must be certified. Certification under this program must be renewed every 3-years.


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