Defensive Driving and Passenger Assistance/Wheelchair Securement - Alisa Miner
Date: 6/25/2024 8:30 AM - 6/25/2024 4:00 PM
Location: 521 W. 35th Chanute Parkway
Chanute, Kansas
This class has reached its capacity. No registrations will be taken online or at the door.
Course Date & Time:
6/25/2024 8:30am - 4:00pm
Course Description:This training has been designed for maximum presentation and implementation flexibility. Using Coaching Systems Coaching the Van Driver the course presents coaching points and defensive driving techniques that are helpful in keeping drivers safe on the roadway. The intent of the course is to refresh and upgrade defensive driving skills. Using Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) Passenger Assistance 7.0 and Q’Straint Wheelchair Securement Basic 101 this driver training program ensures that your passengers are transported in the most safe, sensitive and careful manner possible. The training covers characteristics of a professional driver, knowing your passengers, assisting your passengers, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and transporting an aging society. Q’Straint Wheelchair Securement Basis 101 provides a comprehensive introduction to wheelchair securement best practices. Drivers will learn how to operate the 4-point securement systems and understand how to properly secure passengers and their wheelchairs.
Instructor: Alisa Miner -
Cancelation Policy:
We request that you cancel at least a week before a scheduled class. If someone from your agency can not attend a scheduled class, a replacement from your agency may attend in their place, as long as is notified of the change.
If you have to cancel enrollment in a class, we offer a refund to your account depending on the cancellation date. Please see below for more details.
100% refund if you cancel 7 or more days before a class 50% refund if you cancel 3-6 days before a class
No refund if you cancel 0-2 days before a class
Absences due to extenuating circumstances will be handled on a case by case basis. Please with questions.